Our office will be closing at 12pm on Thursday, March 20, 2025 in remembrance of former clerk, J. Steve Thomas Sr.
It is the duty and mission of the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Northumberland County to provide a wide range of services to the public, judicial system, County Government and other agencies.
We provide these services with pride, honesty, professionalism and efficiency while providing a spirit of friendliness and cooperation.
As a public service forum for our community, it is our goal to provide an independent, accessible, and responsive environment for the just resolution of disputes, both criminal and civil, in order to preserve the rule of law, and to provide the highest quality of customer service to the citizens of Northumberland County.
The Clerk of the Circuit Court, Mrs. Deborah Bingham is a constitutional officer elected to an eight-year term by the voters of Northumberland County.
The Circuit Court is the trial court with the broadest powers in Virginia and has authority to try a full range of both civil and criminal cases. In civil cases, the court has concurrent jurisdiction with the General District Court over claims from $4,500 to $25,000 and exclusive original jurisdiction over almost all claims exceeding $25,000. The Circuit Court also has jurisdiction over divorce cases, disputes concerning wills and estates, and controversies involving real property. In criminal cases, this court has jurisdiction over the trial of all felonies (offenses that may be punished by commitment to the penitentiary) and of those misdemeanors (offenses carrying a penalty of not more than 12 months in jail) on appeal from district court or originally charged in circuit court. Only in a circuit court is a jury provided for the trial of many disputes and controversies.
The Clerk's office handles a variety of duties including administrative matters for the court, recorder of deeds, custodian of court cases, public services, custodian of historic records including preservation, and official record keeper of election ballots.
In addition, our Court has appellate jurisdiction over all appeals from General District Court and the Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court.